About Our Family

Adam and I have been married since January 2008 and have enjoyed sharing our life together! August 23, 2010 we welcomed Rebekah Ann into our family and we are discovering the joys of parenthood! Jacob joined us November 20, 2012. This blog is all about our little family.

Friday, November 12, 2010

My Favorite Things

Last week someone asked me about my new life as a mom, “What is your favorite thing?” I hadn’t really thought specifically about my favorite thing, so I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about it since then. Here are my top 5 “favorite things” about our new life with Rebekah (in no particular order).

1. Kisses. I never knew I could give away so many kisses! I love kissing the side of her head, the top of her head, her belly, her feet, and smack on the lips. Sometimes I worry she’s going to prune up with all my kisses, but she is just so sweet and soft and I can’t help it!

2. Her hands. I love her little hands. The little palm of her hand is so perfect, such a soft little baby hand. They are soft, but so strong as well. Each day she can grip more things, and grip them harder! Her little squishy fingers just grab on tight to my finger or my shirt or her dad’s neck or arm. Her little hands are just amazing.

(thanks Adrien!)

3. The way she looks when her dad is holding her on his chest. He puts her up to his chest, rest his chin on her head, and she just turns her head on his shoulder and simply relaxes. She just hangs out there and watches the world go by as he walks around the house. She is so content and peaceful there, and I can tell she knows she is safe and loved.

4. Watching her wake up. I’ll lay in bed and watch her in her cradle. I can’t really see her, just her feet kicking up when she is in one of her active sleep patterns. Then I’ll pick her up and lay her on the bed next to me. She’ll blink those little eyes, stretch out her loooong body (I think she’s 2 feet long already!) and move that little head around. Her arms will move around involuntarily, then she’ll actually start stretching them out towards me and find me with her eyes. Some days she’s really hungry and starts getting fussy, and other days she is just as happy as can be to see me! Either way, all of her moving around trying to get herself to greet the day is very fun to watch!

5. Making her laugh. Ok, so there hasn’t been any laugh noises, but she sure does light up and give us a big huge smile while bring up her legs and her arms like she is laughing with her whole body. She LOVES (most of the time) getting her diaper changed, so the whole body laugh sometimes makes that difficult, but I just stop and laugh back at her and enjoy her enjoyment. She will laugh at our face, at toys, or at these little animals that hang over her bouncy seat. I love having such a happy baby!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, on your last picture, I think you should clarify WHO exactly is making Rebekah smile/laugh!!!! Just kidding - I love that picture!!!! And I love this blog entry . . . . very sweet! You (and someday Rebekah) will always treasure it.
